Wednesday, November 12, 2008

First Entry.

Welcome to my new blog! I created a new account with my gmail account because it was annoying getting logged out of gmail while checking blogspot. I will still be actively using my livejournal but will definitely update this one more than the Simplicity. blog. That means you guys [ahem LINH AND JENNIFER] should update more often as well.

I'm up working on a midterm paper due on Thursday, but I was suppose to go to bed by 12 tonight. I'm gonna pay for this tomorrow when I have to wake up at 7 to get ready for work tomorrow morning.

I figured out what classes to take for winter today and they are..Chin 102 (Chinese 102..), HSTAS 265 (Vietnam Wars), and HSTAS 421 (History of Early Japan). I will be done with classes at 11:30 MWF and at 1:30 TTH if you ever want to meet up :]

K sleepy time for me. I still want a mal shi..sigh...


  1. i want a pug to name uglyfug, after you!

  2. Oh yeah, i forgot to ask...what's yo fan-ta-ta-tas-yyy? haha

  3. I knew you would like the title :]

  4. lol i USUALLY update like 2-3x a week..this quarter has been killing me... don't worry, i'll get right on that!
