Thursday, December 4, 2008


I had an amazing Thanksgiving. Lots and lots of traditional food and asian food, family, friends, and the likes. I'm looking forward to Winter Break on Wednesday, but I've got a long ways to go until I can start celebrating. 3 Final papers due on Wednesday is going to wear me out, but the feeling of accomplishment is the best.

When you feel like the world is over, the table turns and everything is okay again. Crazy how life flip flops around. I do admit that it feels so good to be rewarded when you've put extra effort into something. :]

1 comment:

  1. whoooey! I'm glad you had a good thanksgiving, mine was quite fun as well! I'm excited for finals to be over..but I think...after today I'll be pretty calm haha

    I should put some extra effort into things instead of just doing the bare minimum haha
